South Asia Logistic Services

Afghan Transit Movement :

Due to extensive requirement by various agents, SALS introduces its professional / reliable service to industry in large scale.

Whether your shipment is small or large, we can meet your needs. SALS shipping ensures your consignment arrives by the most cost-effective route to various cities of Afghanistan. Our professional team can handle and faciliate yoru shipments at Karachi port / Port Qasim, Quetta, Chamman, Peshawar & ; Torkham for your afghan transit cargo.

Pakistan's natural strategic location offers the shortest route to all and locked markets up north, including Afghanistan. Pakistan has three warm water ports " Karachi Port, Port Qasm & ; Gawader" which interact with ships & ; goods from far & ; near. Gawadar Port is going to be in operation Soon.

Our Service include clearance, trucking, off loading, of C.O.C reloading on trucking or S.O.C to Kabul, Hirat, Kandhar, Badghram & ;  Jalalabad. Satellite phone facility is also available for tacking. Commandos are also available upon request, to escort your goods with added security. On carriage can be arranged upon request.

There are various categories under which Afghan Transit Cargo is classified:

Procedure For Handling Afghan Cargo :

Special Shipping Documents :

  • Only shipping lines B/L are accepted.
  • House bill of lading is not accepted for Afghan Transit Cargo.
  • Bill of lading must show consignee / notify party of Afghanistan with address in Afghanistan.
  • All packages must be marked clearly " Goods in transit to , (Name of Afghan City), Afghanistan via Karachi".

Other Documents Required :

  1. N.O.C (No Objection Certificate) from central board of revenue (C.B.R) Pakistan is required, which is sole responsibility of the consignee.
  2. N.O.C ILM-O-KHABAR ( a kind of N.O.C (No Objection Certificate) from ministry of commerce & ; trade of Afghanistan is also required.


Routing :

  • The routing of this cargo will be Karachi-Peshawar-Torkham-Kabul (or any other Afghan City)

Weight Limit :

  • Due to the road conditions in Afghanistan the maximum weight limits including the weight of container is as following.
  1. In case of excess weight then prior special arrangements has to be made.
  2. For 20' containers the maximum weight is 20 Tons.
  3. For 40' containers the maximum weight is 28 Tons.


Transit Time :

  • Transit time will be 10-15 days for all cities expect Mazar-e-Sharif for which it will be 15-20 days. It is not possible to move 40' container for Mazar-e-Sharif due to road conditions.

Name of Cities :

The name of cities in Afghanistan are given hereunder for which we can provide the service.

  1. KABUL
  4. MAZAR-E-Sharif


Afghan Transit Cargo

Afghan Transit By Sea Freight

Afghan Transit By Road

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